English Placement

Incoming international and multilingual students whose home language is not English (First-Year & Transfer) who have not yet earned UConn credits for English Writing courses (e.g., ENGL 1003, 1004, 1007, 1010 or 1011) are required to complete the Guided Placement Survey (GPS) to determine student readiness and placement.  Students can access the Guided Placement Survey  here.

As part of the University General Education Requirements, all students are required to complete ENGL 1007, 1010 or 1011. (Note: You will need to complete ENGL 1007, 1010 or 1011 before enrolling in other writing (W) courses).   Honors students have designated sections on the Storrs campus, which also fulfills the First-Year Writing requirement. The Guided Placement Survey (GPS) is optional for domestic students (First-Year & Transfer) who have not yet earned UConn credits for English Writing courses (e.g., ENGL 1003, 1004, 1007, 1010 or 1011). Students will work with their advisor during Orientation to determine their English Placement.

The GPS is not a test — it is a placement tool that will help students identify the courses that align with their level and preparation.  The survey also asks about choices in writing courses and generates a program recommendation for an English course on your home campus. 

How can students complete the GPS?

The GPS is completed online through a UConn system (Qualtrics) and can be completed anywhere the internet is available.  During the GPS, students will respond to questions about their previous reading and writing experiences, learn about our unique approach to writing, and get a glimpse at the kind of work our students engage in. Students will also be asked to reflect on the types of writing environments and supports that enable them to broaden their skills and deepen their experiences with new ways of composing. 


If a student has an Advanced Placement (APscore, Early College Experience (ECE) credits, or college transfer credits in writing courses, they will get the chance to document this information as part of the survey. Course preference and the First-Year Writing Office course recommendation will be shared with advisors prior to course registration 

Am I required to participate in the GPS?

If you are an international student or multilingual student whose home language is not English and have not yet earned UConn credits for FYW courses, you need to complete the GPS.

How do I access the GPS? Students can access the GPS here.  Students will sign in (NetID) to a University system named Qualtrics.  

How long does the GPS take?  The survey will take you approximately 30-60 minutes to complete. Students can leave the session and return but they you will need to use the same browser. It is important for students to timely take the GPS in order to have course recommendations available prior their course scheduling meetings with advisors.  

I have AP Credits, ECE Credits, or college writing course transfer credits. Do you I need to go through the GPS? If a student has an Advanced Placement (AP) score, Early College Experience (ECE) credits, or college transfer credits in writing courses, they will get the chance to document this information as part of the survey if they choose to complete the GPS.  Recommendations by the First-Year Writing Office course will be shared with advisors prior to course registration

English placement based on AP scores
Any student who has earned a score of 4 or 5 on the CEEB AP English Language or English Literature examination will receive four credits for ENGL 1010 and therefore will meet General Education First-Year Writing requirement.  Many students still choose to take ENGL 1007, 1010, or 1011 because of the University unique instructional approach and the type of work students can do in our English courses. There are also Honors-designated sections of ENGL 1007 at Storrs.

High School Early College Experience (ECE)
Students who successfully complete English courses given under the UConn High School ECE Program (with the designation of ENGL, 1007, ENGL 1010, or ENGL 1011) will receive the same credit as that given by the University for the course. Students must earn a grade of C or better in their ECE course for credits to transfer.

Transfer Credits from other Institutions
If you have college writing course credits that have transferred from institutions other than UConn, please review the FYW Course Equivalency Review (CER) Process. You’ll need to submit materials through the CER portal