Matriculated Undergraduate Students: Undergraduate UConn students seeking to register for Precalculus (MATH 1060Q), Calculus I (MATH 1131Q) and/or MATH 1132Q (Calculus II) are required to take the Mathematics Placement Exam (MPE) in order to determine student readiness for appropriate placement.
The MPE is offered online via Stemify and can be taken anywhere that internet access is available.
Visit the MPE Information Page for more details regarding the MPE and the list of undergraduate majors that require either Precalculus or Calculus.
Non-Degree Students: Visiting non-degree students who are temporary visitors at UConn are not required to take the MPE in order to enroll in Pre-Calculus and Calculus. However, any non-degree students intending on eventually matriculating to UConn must earn a passing score on the MPE in order to enroll in the above mentioned courses.
Contact Rachel D’Antonio in the Math Department for assistance with enrolling into MATH 1132Q.
Graduate and Post-Baccalaureate Students: Graduate students are not required to take the MPE in order to enroll in Pre-Calculus and Calculus.
Contact Rachel D’Antonio in the Math Department for assistance with enrolling into MATH 1132Q.